Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ken Wyatt EMC Fest 2024 Slides

Here are the four sessions of presentation slides in PDF format for you to share with the attendees. Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:

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Dr. Rajamani presentation to the chapter on March 21, 2013

Scott Lytle, Chair of the Southeastern Michigan EMC Society (Chapter VIII), presenting a letter to Dr. Vignesh Rajamani indicating the chapter has recognized his professional commitment to the education of its members with a donation in her name to the … Continue reading

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Southeastern Michigan IEEE EMC Society

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Upcoming Meetings:

January 24, 2013 – Uwe Flor – EMTest – Electric Vehicle EMC Testing February 21, 2013 – EMC failure mitigation in Impedance land, Oh my.  Joanna Hill – U of M Dearborn March 21, 2013 – Vignesh Rajamani, Ph.D. – “A … Continue reading

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Amateur Radio Group

Many engineers practicing EMC also hold Amateur Radio licenses.  If you are a “ham” and would like to be listed on this page, contact Ed Hare, W1RFI, to be added to the list or to make changes, add an afflication or … Continue reading

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“VAC Nanocrystalline Components – The EMI Solution.”

Jim Woodyard, Vice Chair for Awards, IEEE Southeastern Michigan EMC Society (Chapter VIII), presenting a letter to Rodney Rodgers, Jeff Godley and Steve Hall indicating the chapter has recognized their professional commitment to the education of its members with a … Continue reading

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